Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scary House: A Short Story

Sit down. Turn out the lights. Try and prepare yourself emotionally for the scariest story you will ever read:

There once was a town that had a really scary house in it. Everyone that lived in the town was scared of it. People would try not to go near the house because of how scary it was. Just walking by it was scary.

So then these people from out of town move into town for work. There are two parents and their son. They don't know it's a scary house. So they move into the house. The kid goes to school and everyone is all like "I can't believe you live in that scary house!" and the kids all like "Scary house?" and everyone is all shocked.

So he goes back home and he still doesn't think its scary. So that night he wakes up and he realizes there are ghost everywhere and he's totally scared. He wakes up his parents and they are like "Why did you wake us up?" and he's like this is a scary house and there like "no way." and go back to sleep.

So he goes back to school and he finds the kids who told him it was a scary house and hes like "Help me guys!" and they are like "Let's do this."

That night the kids parents leave to go to a special show or something and he's all alone. So he calls his new friends and they hesitate but finally come in. At first they are like "hey this isn't such a big deal" but then all the ghosts come out.

The ghosts are all flying around and moving stuff around and the kids are all like "Oh no!". So then the kids start reading from a ghost fighting book to try and fight the ghosts. But this only makes the ghosts madder and madder.

Finally the ghosts get so mad they all form together into one giant ghost with a bunch of arms. The arms all grab at the three kids and just start ripping them apart. The kids start to scream in agony but then their mouths fill with blood. Their skin is ripped off and you can see the pain in their eyes as there organs fall to the ground.

Later the parents come home and find the body parts strewn all about the house. They are shocked. They move out. The house is still there today waiting to rip up more kids.

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