Thursday, October 14, 2010

To Whom It May Concern: Tractor Supply

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To Whom It May Concern,

I am interested in purchasing a snow blower. I accidentally dropped my previous snow blower down the well in my back yard. I was out blowing the snow and I went to set down the snow blower to take a break and dropped it right down into the well. When if fell due to the gravity it broke into a million pieces. I fear I will be drinking those pieces for the rest of my life.
Snow were I live is often very tall. What kind of snow blower that you offer do you think I should purchase. Money is not important to me. Though I have very little, I am very foolish with it and am willing to pay any price for a snow blower. The last snow blower I bought cost five thousand dollars and my first and third draft choices.
Also I am unsure if you sell ladders but if you have a ladder long enough for me to get to the bottom of my well I would appreciate any information on that as well. I need to retrieve my snow blower, my push lawn mower, a ladder, 12 remote control cars, 3 horse shoes, a bag of concrete, a BBQ, a baseball bat, an HP printer, a tire, an air conditioner, and The Scent of a Woman on VHS. Scent of a Woman may sound like a lame movie but its got Pacino at his best.

Nathaniel Burbian

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